Born in Saint Germain en Laye (France) in 1976
Living and working in Barcelona since 2006
Currently. IDEP School of Design, Fashion and Photography, Barcelona. Postgraduate Diploma in Documentary and Artistic Photography
2013 – 2016. Massana School, Barcelona, Spain. Degree of Fine arts (sculpture as a specialty)
2007 – 2013. Barcelona University (UB), Spain. Degree of Literature and Modern languages
2002 – 2004. The Technology Institute of Wood, Paris. Degree of Carpentry
1993 – 2000. Versailles Architecture School, France
Architect DPLG (Government diploma). Equivalent to a Master in Architecture
Scholarship at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA
Solo shows
Confirmed in 2026
La Chapelle, Clairefontaine, France. Panoptikum. International hybrid project curated by Ayça Okay
MAC Mataró Art Contemporani, Bcn. Panoptikum. International hybrid project curated by Ayça Okay
Cotxeres de Sants Civic Center, Bcn. Live well Die well. As part of the Temporals program of itinerant contemporary art in the neighborhoods of Barcelona
Confirmed in 2025
Santcorneliarts(2), Cardedeu, Barcelona. The Bride, the Maid and the Madwoman. Invited artist Eda Emirdağ. In the framework of the project “From a Chrysalis a butterfly is born”
Offgrid Art Project, Istanbul, Turkey. Duo with Ece Haskan
Arranz-Bravo Fundation, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain. Sticky Fingers
Guinardó and Pere Pruna Civic Centers, Bcn. Live well Die well. As part of the Temporals program of itinerant contemporary art in the neighborhoods of Barcelona
Saye Kolektif, Istanbul, Turkey. Censored
Performistanbul, Turkey. Bittersweet Comedy
Montag, Gönen, Turkey. Lifting the veil. Duo with Eda Emirdağ
Performistanbul, Turkey. The Passing Body. Performance + solo show
Gate 27, Istanbul, Turkey. (Un)natural Cycles and Necrobusiness. Text by Ayça Okay
Espai Souvenir, Barcelona, Spain. Love Collapse. Duo with Enric Maurí. Curated by Federica Matelli. As part of the LOOP festival
Can Puget, House of Culture, Manlleu, Spain. Cerdo! [Pig!]. Duo with Josechu Tercero. Curated by Gabriela Berti
Vorfluter Projektraum, Berlin. Oh Dear! I shall be too late! Duo with Enric Maurí. Curated by Ayça Okay
Scope gallery, Berlin. Rabbits. Curated by Ayça Okay. Invited artist Vilma Leino. In the framework of the Ortstermin Festival and Berlin Art Week
Backhaus Projects, Berlin. Censored
Alalimón gallery, Bcn. Reconstruction. Final act: Remembering the pandemic. Curated by Sara Catalán. Documentary by Josechu Tercero
GlogauAIR Project Space, Berlin. Sex und Dinge und Dinge, die kein Sex sind [Sex and things and things that are not sex]. Duo with Enric Maurí. Text by Federica Matelli
La Grey gallery, Tarragona, Spain. Aquest fosc desig de l’objecte [This oscure desire of the object]. Text by Lídia Porcar
Le Chai, Cahors, France. Terrain de jeu [Playground]. With the collaboration of Cahors Juin Jardins. Text by María G. Latorre
SomoS Art House, Berlin. No soy un objeto sexual. Curated by Diana Padrón
Cal Ros Espai d’Art, Monistrol de Calders, Spain. Komando peluche. Installation and action in the framework of [H] Experimental Art Cycle
The Over gallery, Bcn. Bestes en pastura. Curated by Sara Catalán
Alalimón gallery, Bcn. Apocalipsis Now. Curated by Mercè Alsina
CACIS Contemporary Art Center for Sustainability, Calders, Spain. The philosopher’s stone. Duo with Enric Maurí. Text by Federica Matelli
TPK Contemporary Art and Thinking, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain. Sans trêve sans merci. Duo with Francele Cocco. Curated by Mercè Alsina
Fine Arts Academy of Sabadell, Spain. Apocalipsis Now. Curated by Mercè Alsina
Centre de lectura, Reus, Spain. Atlantis. Duo with Enric Maurí
2020 – 2021
Alalimón gallery, Chiquita Room, Esther Montoriol gallery, Espronceda Center for Art and Culture, Ideograma Foundation, Pol & Grace Hotel, Bcn, És-Fera 72 gallery, Sant Cugat, Roca Umbert, Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers, santcorneliarts2, Cardedeu. “Reconstruction” project. Curated by Sara Catalán
Espronceda Center for Art and Culture, Bcn. el mar I la mer. Curated by Olga Sureda
Woldt gallery, London @ The Exhibitionist Hotel. Stuffed animals – Sculptures and installations
Alalimón gallery, Bcn @ Pol & Grace Hotel. Shipwreck. Collaboration with The Over
Alalimón gallery, Bcn. Shipwreck
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. Eternal Monsters. With the collaboration of Montserrat Solà School 2nd grade pupils and Joan Fontcuberta
El Catascopio gallery, Bcn. Wonderland
Mutuo gallery, Bcn. Eternal Monsters
LaContra Creation Centre, Bcn. Eternal Monsters
Ateneu Fort Pienc Civic Centre, Bcn. Ephimeral constructions. Duo with Josechu Tercero
LaContra Creation Centre, Bcn. Epilogue
LafuturA gallery, Bcn. Rites and accumulations. Duo with Josechu Tercero
LafuturA gallery, Bcn. The End of childhood
Ateneu Fort Pienc Civic Centre, Bcn. The Invention of memory
Group exhibitions
Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture, Bcn. Cuerpos errantes [Wandering Bodies]. In the framework of the Loop Festival
Espace Dominique Bagouet, Montpellier, France. Vegetal Art Collection by Ursual Carual. Invited artist
GlogauAIR, Berlin. Invited artist in the framework of the Open Studios
Chapel of the Gambetta School, Cahors, France. Solidarity exhibition in support of the JST46 association
Anna Laudel gallery, Bodrum, Turkey. KarmaComa. Curated by Ayça Okay
La Grey gallery, Tarragona, Spain. La Revolución inminente [The imminent Revolution]
La Gralla bookstore, Granollers, Spain. Paco Merino painting prize
Roca Umbert, Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers, Spain. Resident Artists show
The Tacheles, Magdeburg and Soyuz, Jena, Germany. Collective show in the framework of the release of the 4th edition of Flut Magazine
Ela Resort Belek, Antalya, Turkey. Garden of Earthly Delights. Curated by Ayça Okay
Woldt gallery, Hamburg, Germany. Summer exhibition
Espai 7, El Casino Cultural Center, Manresa, Spain. Tothom és artista [Everybody is an artist]. In the framework of the AMIC project. Curated by Roser Oduber
GlogauAIR, Berlin. Open studios
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. DelicARTessen 20
GlogauAIR, Project space, Berlin. (Be)longing. Curated by BarLin
Roca Umbert, Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers, Spain. Resident Artists show
Woldt gallery, Londres @ Dora House, The Royal Society of sculptors, Londres. Aligning
La Cumprativa, Llorenç del Penedès, Spain. The Land you tread. Curated by Ramon Sicart
Roca Umbert, Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers, Spain. Festival Obert per vacances
HUB Design Museum of Barcelona. The best design of the year
Espronceda Center for Art and Culture, Bcn. El Pajonar by Josechu Tercero. Invited artist
Tres por cuatro gallery, Madrid. A pandemic year
Tomàs Balvey Archive Museum, Cardedeu, Spain. Va com va by Enric Maurí. Invited artist
Fine Arts Academy of Sabadell, Spain. Sabadell Emergent Art prize
H2O gallery, Bcn. Happy accidents by Enric Maurí. Curated by Gabriel Virgilio Luciani. Invited artist
Alalimón gallery, Bcn @ Arts Santa Mònica, Bcn. Art Photo Barcelona Fair
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. DelicARTessen 19
Alalimón gallery, Bcn. Online event as part of Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2020
Alalimón gallery, Bcn. Volvemos
Tres por cuatro gallery, Madrid. Estos días
Tres por cuatro gallery, Madrid. Unpacking
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. DelicARTessen 18
Tres por cuatro gallery, Madrid. Imaginery Museum
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. DelicARTessen 18
Tres por cuatro gallery, Madrid. Highlights
Neuer Pfaffenhofener Kunstverein, Germany. ¡Mira! Barcelona. Curated by Norbert Käs
Ideograma Foundation, Bcn. Vibrant Matter
Tres por cuatro gallery, Madrid. 261
Mutuo gallery, Bcn. The Internet of animals
Espronceda Center for Art and Culture, Bcn. Cruixent
És-Fera 72 gallery, Sant Cugat, Spain. Fake Paradise
Fine Arts Academy of Sabadell, Spain. Sabadell Emergent Art prize
Dupressoir gallery, Bcn. The Christmas palm tree
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. DelicARTessen 17
Torre del Baró Museum, Viladecans. Collective show with the artists of the VAC
Viladecans Art in stores festival, Spain. Intervention in public space with “Eternal Monsters II”
Tres por cuatro gallery, Madrid. Small Print
HUB Design Museum of Barcelona. The best design of the year
Dupressoir gallery, Bcn. Summertime
Faculty of philology, UB. Otherings. As part of EASA Biennale Conference “Nationalism old and new”
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. DelicARTessen 16
LaContra Creation Center, Bcn. Dadivan V
Konvent Puntzero, Berga, Spain. Casa tomada
Museum of Engraving to digital print, Artes-Ribeira, Spain. VIII Atlante engraving prize
És-Fera 72 gallery, Sant Cugat, Spain. MisMos Mitos
Espai VolArt, Vila Casas Foundation, Bcn. 55th international drawing contest Ynglada-Guillot Foundation
El Catascopio gallery, Bcn. Prêt à Port-art
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. DelicARTessen 15
Hell Gallery, Bcn. Black Friday
History museum of Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain. Context
LaContra Creation Centre, Bcn. What are you hiding from?
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. DelicARTessen 14
Llotja del Tint, Banyoles, Spain. LafuturA extramurs
El Sortidor Civic Center, Bcn. The hanging chair
Cultural Center of Terrassa, Spain. 14th BBVA painting prize Ricard Camí
Can Mario Museum, Vila Casas Foundation, Palafrugell, Spain. Sculpture prize 2015
Limited Editions gallery, Bcn. Wave
LafuturA gallery, Bcn. In between canvases
LafuturA gallery, Bcn. Le Salon II
LaContra Creation Center, Bcn. Behind
Terrissa Museum, Quart and La Capella, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain. 2nd seminary of black ceramic
LafuturA gallery, Bcn. Le Salon
Olivart gallery, Bcn. Small format
LOOP. Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture, Bcn. Cuerpos errantes [Wandering bodies]. Collective performance and video installation in collaboration with Inervo Company and The Institut de Ciènces del Mar
Cruïlla. Bcn. Installation/ performance “The Rabbit Princess”
LOOP. Espai Souvenir, Bcn. Love Collapse. With Enric Maurí. Curated Federica Matelli
ARTefACTe. Alalimón gallery, Bcn. Performance “Caged”
Ortstermin and Berlin gallery weekend. Scope gallery. Rabbits. Curated by Ayça Okay
Juin Jardins Festival. Cahors, France, Intervention on the public space with the installation “Décharge chic” and in the courtyard of the Léon Gambetta School with the installation “Jardin fou”
ArtsLibris Barcelona. International artist's book, photobook and self-publishing fair
Experimental Art Festival [H]. Cal Ros, Monistrol de Calders. Komando peluche
Spokoj. Festival of Music and Visual Arts. Poland
Panoramic Festival of Photography, Film and New Media. Arts Santa Mònica, Bcn
Obert per vacances. Fàbrica de les Arts Roca Umbert, Granollers
MAU Mostra d’Art Urbà. Fàbrica de les Arts Roca Umbert, Granollers. Project “Castells en confinament” with Xics Castellers
Sant Jordi Festival 2021. Viladecans. Intervention in the public space with the work “S/T, Le Grand Voyage”
Art Photo Barcelona Festival. With the Alalimón gallery. Arts Santa Mònica, Bcn
Nit d’Audiovisuals experimentals. Fàbrica de les Arts Roca Umbert, Granollers Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2020 online event
Drap-Art’19 Festival. Barcelona Maritime Museum
Windows Art Circuit. SIMON 100 Showroom, Bcn
#Spamdarts. Casa Clapés, Granollers
Viladecans Art Al Comerç. Intervention on public space with the work “Eternal Monsters II”
MGA’17. Manlleu Galeria d’art. Art show in the windows
Happenings and performances
Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture, Bcn. Cuerpos errantes [Wandering bodies]. Collective performance and video installation in collaboration with Inervo Company and The Institut de Ciènces del Mar
Performinstanbul, Turkey. The Passing Body
Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture, Bcn. Luz Líquida. Collective performance in collaboration with Inervo Company and The Institut de Ciènces del Mar
Essay Projektraum, Berlin. Caged. In collaboration with GlogauAIR
CAM Centro Artes Marvila, Lisbon. Collective performance in collaboration with Já International Theater and Theatre in Palm
Alalimón gallery, Bcn. Caged. Curated by Silvia Russo. In the framework of the ARTefACTe Festival
La Grey gallery, Tarragona, Spain. Ich bin nicht Klein
SomoS Art House, Berlin. Ich bin nicht Klein
City of Monistrol de Calders, Spain. Stuffed animals’ street action. In the framework of the cycle of Experimental Art [H]
City of Manresa, Spain. Following in the footsteps of Beuys. With Enric Maurí. In the framework of the AMIC project. With the collaboration of CACIS, TAV-CC and the Museum of Manresa
Kastanien Projektraum, Berlin. L’Ourse écorchée. With Enric Maurí. With musical improvisation by Vincent Laju
GlogauAIR, Project Space, Berlin. L’Ourse écorchée. With Enric Maurí. With musical improvisation by Vincent Laju
City of Barcelona, Spain. Stuffed animals’ street action. With Nuria Llorca and Josechu Tercero
Awards and grants
Confirmed in 2025
Residency scholarship for Research and Creation of Visual and Performance Arts in l’Estruch, Sabadell, Spain, with the “Sticky Fingers” project
Goethe Institut's Culture Moves Europe mobility grant funded by Creative Europe
Selection of the “Live well, Die well” project for the Temporals 2025-2026 programming, Barcelona
Full grant for the Performistanbul international residency program, Istanbul, Turkey
Mobility scholarship from the Ramon LLull Institute
Full grant for the Gate 27 international residency program, Istanbul, Turkey
Mobility scholarship from the Ramon LLull Institute
Full grant for the Hybrid residency, Barcelona/Lisbon hosted by Theater in Palm. Project funded by Creative Europe
Full grant to participate in the Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival at Pumphouse organized by Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality and Front Line Defenders. In partnership with Theater in Palm and Espronceda Center for Art and Culture
Financing of the works "Décharge chic" [Classy dump] and “Jardin fou” [Crazy Garden] in the framework of the Juin Jardins Festival
Mobility scholarship from the Ramon LLull Institute
Selection. 17th Paco Merino painting prize
Production of the work "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Ela Resort Belek, Antalya, Turkey within the framework of the homonymous group show curated by Ayça Okay
Selection. Panoràmic cinema, photography and video festival, Bcn. Short film “The Philosopher’s Stone”, with Enric Maurí
Production grant for the project "Castells en confinament" with the Xics Castellers, within the framework of the MAU Mostra d'Art Urbà Festival, Fàbrica de les Arts Roca Umbert, Granollers, Spain
Selection. Arts FAD prize
Selection. 6th Sabadell Emergent Art prize
Production grant from Espronceda Center for Art and Culture for the exhibit and the catalogue "el mar l la mer"
Accesit prize. Prize and grant of contemporary art Reddis private Foundation. “Atlantis” project with Enric Maurí
XAL Xarxa Audiovisual Local. Outright sale of copyright of the video work “Shipwreck III, Vilanova de Sau”
International residency scholarship for research at CACIS Center for Contemporary Art and Sustainability Forn de la Calç, Calders, with the project "The Philosopher's Stone" with Enric Maurí
Residency scholarship at Nectar, with the support of the Ideograma Foundation, Koyac and On Mediation
Selection. 4th Sabadell Emergent Art prize
Production grant for the public work "Eternal Monsters II", within the framework of the Viladecans Art Al Comerç Festival
Selection. Arts FAD prize
Selection. 8th Atlante engraving prize
Selection. 55th international drawing contest Ynglada-Guillot Foundation
Selection. 14th BBVA painting prize Ricard Camí
Selection. Sculpture prize Vila Casas Foundation
Workshops/ Master classes/
Pedagogical projects
Montserrat Solà Primary School, Mataró, Spain. 2-year school project "Inhabit" as part of the "Panoptikum" project. In collaboration with MAC
Performistanbul, Istanbul, Turkey. Workshop for kids “A House for Pink Bunny”
Castellosonnino, Montespertoli, Italy. Workshop “A ritual of offerings” with the students of the Study Abroad program of the SIT School for International Training, within the framework of the “Food Security and Nutrition” course by Gabriela Berti
Festival Cahors Juin Jardins, France. Terramation. Round table hosted by FMR radio. With Lucie Salmon, Occitanie Humo Sapiens Ambassador, Viviane Arnal, from CoopFun, Nathalie Rey, artist, Monique Blanquet, journalist and Dominique Burdin, President of Juin Jardins
UNED Universidad Nacional de Educación a distancia, Barcelona. Presentation of the project “Live well, Die well” within the framework of the course “New trends in Contemporary Art” by Gabriela Berti
Grand Cahors Mediatheque. Presentation of the bibliography of the "Classy dump" project
Massana School, Barcelona. First ESCultural Gathering. Presentation with Susana Solano, Nathalie Rey and Lúa Coderch
UAB, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Project “A ritual of offerings” with students from UAB Study Abroad program, as part of the "Spanish Contemporary Art" course by professor Georgina Konstantakopoulou. Workshop on offerings in papier-mâché, ceremonial ritual and publication
Alalimón gallery, Bcn. “Transform yourself” workshop for kids
UAB, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Project "Welcome to the Anthropocene" with students from UAB Study Abroad program, as part of the "Spanish Contemporary Art" course by professor Georgina Konstantakopoulou. Exhibition and publication
GlogauAIR, Berlin. Video improvisation workshop with residents as part of the “Sex und Dinge” project
Festival of Experimental Art [H], Monistrol de Calders, Spain. Collective urban action “Plush comando” and Gutting stuffed animals’ workshop
CACIS Contemporary Art Center for Sustainability, Calders, Spain. Workshop “ To create in times of pandemic” With Enric Maurí
TPK Art i Pensament Contemporani, Hospitalet de Llobregat. Presentation on work processes with Francele Cocco, Nathalie Rey and Mercè Alsina in the framework of the meetings El Punt, A space of affection to share
Santcorneliarts(2), Cardedeu, Spain. Gutting stuffed animals’ workshop
Ideograma Foundation, Bcn. Presentation of the “Porn City” project in the framework of the World Creativity Day
Espronceda Center for Art and Culture, Bcn. Presentation "Rural art and culture: relationship between memory and sustainability." With Josechu Tercero and Savina Tarsitano as mediator
MSH Medical School Hamburg, Germany. Presentation “Art in Public Space”
Badalona, Barcelona, El Prat de Llobregat, Sitges, Spain. Artistic direction of the project “From individual to collective” organized by Drap-Art
Alalimón gallery, Bcn. “Nature Lab” workshop
Montserrat Solà Primary School, Mataró, Spain. “Plastic Sea”. Trimester project with 4th grade pupils
Espai d’Arts Roca Umbert, Granollers, Spain. “Nature Lab” workshop
Montserrat Solà Primary School, Mataró, Spain. “Shipwreck III” public action with the entire school as part as the Global climate strike
Ideograma Foundation, Bcn. Round table “Collaborative experiences in the artistic creation”. With Anna María Guasch (UB), Olga Sureda (Nectar), Andrea Coll (Koyac), Gabriela Berti (Ideograma Foundation), Nathalie Rey (artist)
Neuer Pfaffenhofener Kunstverein, Germany. Gutting stuffed animals’ workshop
Esther Montoriol gallery, Bcn. Photographic action “Shipwreck III”. With pupils from Montserrat Solà’s school
El Catascopio gallery, Bcn. Fabrication of monsters’ workshop
Montserrat Solà Primary School, Mataró, Spain. “Eternal Monsters”. Trimester project with 2nd grade pupils
Casa Aymat Contemporary Tapestry Museum, Sant Cugat del Vallés, Spain and El Visor Art Academy, Bcn. Master class “Story of a shipwreck; origins of an artistic process”
Mutuo gallery, Bcn. Gutting stuffed animals’ workshop
El Catascopio gallery, Bcn. Gutting stuffed animals’ workshop
Confirmed in 2025
L’Estruch, Sabadell, Spain
Saye Kolektif, Istanbul, Turkey
Performistanbul, Turkey
Montag, Gönen, Turkey
Performistanbul, Turkey
Gate 27, Istanbul, Turkey
CAM Centro Artes Marvila, Lisbon, Portugal. In collaboration with Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture, Theatre in Palm and Já International Theater
Scope, Berlin, Germany
Cruce Program, AADK, Negra Center, Blanca, Spain. With Josechu Tercero
Hors Saison, Belle Isle en Mer, France. With Josechu Tercero
SomoS Art House, Berlin, Germany
GlogauAIR, Berlin, Germany. With Enric Maurí
JOYA: AIR, Almeria, Spain. With Josechu Tercero
CACIS Contemporary Art Center for Sustainability, Calders, Spain. With Enric Maurí
Cruce Program, AADK, Negra Center, Blanca, Spain. With Josechu Tercero
AADK Aktuelle Architektur der Kultur, Negra Center, Blanca, Spain
Nectar, Les Guilleries Natural Park, Spain
2018 - 2023
Roca Umbert, Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers, Spain
Catalog of the exhibition "La Revolució imminent", La Grey, 2024
Catalog of the exhibition "Rabbits", Scope, 2024
Corpus Delicti 4, 2023
Alt-Tiba9 Contemporary Art Magazine issue 14, 2023
Flut Magazin für gegenwärtige Erotik vol 05, 2023
Artiga n°39, January 2023
Catalog of the exhibition “Apocalipsis now”, Alalimón, 2022
Flut Magazin für gegenwärtige Erotik vol 04, 2022
Bonart, February, March, April 2021
Catalog of the exhibition “sans trêve sans merci”, Francele Cocco + Nathalie Rey, TPK, 2021
Catalog of the exhibition « Va com va » by Enric Maurí, invited artist Nathalie Rey, Museu Arxiu Tomàs Balvey, 2021
Catalog of the exhibition "el mar I la mer", Espronceda, 2020
Catalog of the exhibition “Shipwreck”, Alalimón, 2020
Catalog of the exhibition “Mira Barcelona!”, Neuer Pfaffenhofener Kunstverein, 2019
Pànxing n°227, September, October 2017